1953 Michel Verliefden is born in Brussels – Belgium
1955 Brigitte D’Helft is born in Cologne – Germany
1976 Brigitte and Michel meet at the ‘La Cambre’ arts college founded by Henry Van de Velde in 1926
1977 They win the prize awarded by OISTT (International Organisation of Scenographers and Theatre Technicians) for their project the Waux-Hall Theatre in Parc Royal de Bruxelles
1978 They complete their studies at La Cambre with the highest honours and start a five-year collaboration with AAM, ARAU, INTER-ENVIRONNEMENT and the Roi Baudouin's Foundation. They win the prizes: ‘Programme d'Architecture Nouvelle’ (PAN), Design of the neighbourhood at the Bernalmont in Liège for the AAM and planning of the Burgerweide district and the station district in Bremen – Germany.
1983 They found ‘Architecture et Construction entre rêve et réalité’ A.2R.C as a cooperative society and set up their offices at 43 rue de l'Ecuyer, Brussels, in a building designed by A. Blomme. Rapidly they are joined by associates.
1993 A.2R.C becomes a public limited company
1994 A.2R.C moves to the 27 Galerie du Roi in the prestigious Royal Saint-Hubert Galleries – Brussels
2007 They found a second public limited company A2RC ARCHITECTS
2009 Both companies move to 16 rue Saint-Laurent – Brussels
2019 Three new partners : Anne Catherine Dubois, Diego Carrion, and Gérard Schroeder